The Impact of Product Price, Public Awareness, and Social Media on Changes in Consumption Patterns of Fashion Products


  • Muhammadong Muhammadong Universitas Negeri Makassar
  • Etvin Rizal Tamher Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Pattimura
  • Dian Firdaus Universitas Mayasari Bakti
  • Diah Warastuti STIKes Mitra Ria Husada Jakarta
  • Ainil Mardiah Prodi Kewirausahaan, Universitas Adzkia



Product Price, Public Awareness, Social Media, Consumption Patterns, Fashion Industry


This study examines the impact of product price, public awareness, and social media on changes in consumption patterns of fashion products. Employing a quantitative approach, data were collected from 70 respondents using a structured questionnaire and analyzed with SPSS version 26. The findings reveal that all three variables significantly influence consumption patterns, with social media emerging as the strongest predictor. Product price affects consumers' purchasing decisions through affordability and perceived value, while public awareness drives ethical and sustainable consumption behaviors. Social media plays a pivotal role in shaping trends and preferences through influencer marketing and user-generated content. The study underscores the interconnected nature of these variables and offers actionable insights for fashion brands to adapt to evolving consumer behaviors.


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How to Cite

Muhammadong, M., Tamher, E. R., Firdaus, D., Warastuti, D., & Mardiah, A. (2024). The Impact of Product Price, Public Awareness, and Social Media on Changes in Consumption Patterns of Fashion Products. Sustainable Development Insights, 1(01), 32–38.