Medical Device Industry Development in Indonesia


  • Bintang Mukhammad Burhanudin Akbar University of Indonesia
  • Meisya azalia Putri University of Indonesia



Development Medical Devices, Medical Devices Industry Indonesia


Demand for health products in Indonesia is increasing, with an estimated annual growth of 11.9% until 2024. This is driven by population growth and public awareness of the importance of health. Indonesian government believes developing medical devices industry is essential in supporting health resilience in Indonesia. The development and marketing of medical devices does not only focus on the benefits of a product but requires planning and control so that the product can be safe and effective for users, such as by paying attention to quality standardization, patient safety, regulation, and market licensing. This exploratory qualitative research approach yields results in the form of patterns that can increase the availability of safe and quality medical devices, namely 1) research and development of medical devices, 2) regulation of medical devices, 3) assessment of medical devices (health technology evaluation), and 4) management of medical devices (health technology management). The results of this trial will provide valuable information on the process of developing medical device products to choose an approach that suits your needs and conditions.


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How to Cite

Akbar, B. M. B., & Putri, M. azalia. (2023). Medical Device Industry Development in Indonesia. West Science Business and Management, 1(03), 206–212.