Linkages between Social Media Presence, Brand Awareness, Customer Loyalty, and Sales Growth in Entrepreneurial Companies (Study on Fashion Industry Entrepreneurs in West Java)


  • Frans Sudirjo August 17, 1945 University of Semarang
  • Andry Stepahnie Titing University of 19 November Kolaka
  • Yokie Radnan Pelita Harapan University
  • Hefri Yodiansyah STISIP Persada Bunda
  • Bambang Bambang PSDKU Syiah Kuala Gayo Lues University



Social Media Presence, Brand Awareness, Customer Loyalty, Sales Growth, Entrepreneurial Companies


This study aimed to investigate the relationship between social media presence, brand awareness, customer loyalty, and sales growth among fashion industry entrepreneurs in West Java. A survey was conducted with 150 participants, and the data were analyzed using Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The results indicate that social media presence is positively associated with brand awareness, customer loyalty, and sales growth. The findings suggest that fashion industry entrepreneurs in West Java should focus on building and maintaining a solid social media presence to improve their brand awareness, customer loyalty, and sales growth.

Author Biography

Bambang Bambang, PSDKU Syiah Kuala Gayo Lues University






How to Cite

Sudirjo, F., Titing, A. S., Radnan, Y., Yodiansyah, H., & Bambang, B. (2023). Linkages between Social Media Presence, Brand Awareness, Customer Loyalty, and Sales Growth in Entrepreneurial Companies (Study on Fashion Industry Entrepreneurs in West Java). West Science Business and Management, 1(02), 81–88.