Literature Dynamics Leadership Development: Bibliometric Analysis to Identify Research Trends


  • Leonita Siwiyanti Management Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Education Indonesia and Retail Management Studies, Faculty of Economics, Muhammadiyyah University, Sukabumi
  • Syamsul Hadi Senen Management Studies, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Education Indonesia



Development, Leadership, Strong Leaders, Bibliometric, Literature Review


In today's digitally modern world, characterized by dynamic business landscapes, effective leadership is crucial and cannot be overstated. Strong, decisive, and capable leaders are crucial in overcoming obstacles and complexity related to the company's 5.0 dynamic. The purpose of this study is to investigate the current state of leadership research by focusing on factors that significantly affect leadership. Motivated by the need to create a comprehensive body of literature on peer pressure, this study used a bibliometric approach, identifying 163 studies using the terms "leadership development" and "strong leadership" from the Scopus database. The most frequently reviewed articles are analyzed to highlight key contributions and provide general information about this field. All of the aforementioned information covers several aspects such as the relationship between managers and employees, manager characteristics, and strong management influence on employees' work and creativity. The practical implications of this research have the potential to serve as a valuable reference for researchers and practitioners, assisting in the development of clear and concise conclusions with the relevant context. Organizations should be encouraged to integrate their internal processes with the results of their bibliometric analysis. This study highlights the importance of leadership in managing business ventures and daily operations, as well as providing insights into the current state of research and the role of researchers in developing critical understanding of leadership


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How to Cite

Siwiyanti, L., & Senen, S. H. (2023). Literature Dynamics Leadership Development: Bibliometric Analysis to Identify Research Trends. West Science Business and Management, 1(05), 521–531.