The Impact of Managerial Experience, Continuing Education, and Work-Life Balance on Innovation and Growth of Start-ups in Indonesia


  • Al Munip Institut Islam Al-Mujaddid Sabak
  • Riani Prihatini Ishak Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bogor
  • Marisi Butarbutar STIE Sultan Agung
  • Sisran Sisran STAI Jarinabi
  • Muhammad Halfi Indra Syahputra Poltekpar Palembang



Startup Innovation, Managerial Experience, Continuing Education, Work-Life Balance, Startup Growth


This study investigates the impact of managerial experience, continuing education, and work-life balance on the innovation and growth of startups in Indonesia. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected from 170 startup managers and analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling-Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS). The results reveal that all three factors—managerial experience, continuing education, and work-life balance—positively and significantly influence the innovation and growth of startups. Continuing education emerged as the most influential factor, followed by work-life balance and managerial experience. These findings underscore the importance of ongoing learning, experienced leadership, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance in fostering startup success. The study provides valuable insights for entrepreneurs, managers, and policymakers seeking to enhance the innovation capacity and growth potential of startups in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Munip, A., Ishak, R. P., Butarbutar, M., Sisran, S., & Syahputra, M. H. I. (2024). The Impact of Managerial Experience, Continuing Education, and Work-Life Balance on Innovation and Growth of Start-ups in Indonesia . West Science Journal Economic and Entrepreneurship, 2(03), 269–282.