Youth Perceptions of Shemale; Celebrated TV Idols and Inglorious Public Ignominy




Shemale, Entertainment World, Social Environment, Adolescent


Shemale is a condition for a person who is medically male but behaves and acts like a woman. In general religious and socio-cultural views, the position of shemale is considered as part of a social deviation, which implies limited access to socio-economy, education, and other public spaces. The social marginalization of shemale, in turn, exacerbates the quality of life for shemale themselves. This condition is different from someone who identifies as shemale in the entertainment industry. In the world of entertainment, identity as shemale tends to get better reception and get a special space. This study uses a quantitative approach with descriptive-analytical methods on several data obtained from a data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was used to assess adolescents' views on the rise of celebrities who use shemale identity as a breaker in the world of entertainment as well as to assess the views of adolescents in accepting shemale groups in various social aspects, such as educational opportunities, work, and also family life which are calculated in numbers spread through an online form. The results of the data show that both in social and entertainment in general, adolescents tend not to reject the existence of a shemale, feel that their behavior is funny, and there are high doubts about whether this is appropriate.

Author Biographies

Muhammad Fawwaz Farhan Farabi, Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia

A law student at the University of Indonesia, embodies the characteristics of passion and ambition in his pursuit of various goals, particularly those that bring about substantial benefits for the broader community. He possesses a wealth of experience in engaging in community service initiatives, conducting research, and fostering the growth of human resources.

Ahmad Farhan Malika, Universitas Gadjah Mada

A medical student at Universitas Gadjah Masa with the ambition to contribute who focuses on self-development and community empowerment. Farhan considers himself an adaptive person with a passion for learning new things and vast experience in community outreach and building connections.


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How to Cite

Farhan Farabi, M. F., & Malika, A. F. (2023). Youth Perceptions of Shemale; Celebrated TV Idols and Inglorious Public Ignominy. West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, 1(09), 854–861.