Bibliometric Analysis on the Application of IoT in Smart Manufacturing System in Industry 4.0
IoT, Smart Manufacturing, Industry 4.0, Bibliometric Analysis, VOSviewerAbstract
The rapid integration of Internet of Things (IoT) technologies in smart manufacturing systems has been a pivotal development within the framework of Industry 4.0. This study conducts a comprehensive bibliometric analysis to examine the evolution, current trends, and emerging research areas related to IoT applications in smart manufacturing. By analyzing data from a decade of scholarly publications, this research identifies key themes, influential authors, and collaborative networks that have shaped the field. The findings reveal that foundational technologies such as the internet, cloud computing, and big data are central to the development of smart manufacturing, while newer innovations like digital twins and blockchain are gaining prominence. The study also emphasizes the importance of strategic collaboration among researchers and industry professionals in advancing IoT adoption. The practical implications suggest that manufacturers should prioritize both foundational digital infrastructure and emerging IoT applications to enhance efficiency, security, and sustainability. This analysis provides a roadmap for future research and practical implementation, highlighting the critical areas where IoT can further revolutionize smart manufacturing systems.
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