The Impact of Hedonic Shopping Value and Shopping Lifestyle on Impulsive Buying Mediated by Positive Emotion among Online Marketplace Users in Pekanbaru




Hedonic Shopping Value, Shopping Lifestyle, Positive Emotions, Impulsive Buying


This study examined the influ ence of hedonic shopping value and shopping lifestyle on impulsive buying among online marketplace users in Pekanbaru, Indonesia. The study used path analysis to analyse data from 112 respondents and found that hedonic shopping value had no significant effect on impulsive buying, while shopping lifestyle had a positive and significant relationship with impulsive buying. Additionally, hedonic shopping value had a positive and significant effect on positive emotions. The results suggest that to decrease impulsive buying, it is important to focus on creating a positive shopping experience and consider the shopping lifestyle of consumers.

Author Biographies

Adelia Dwi Anggita, Universitas Riau

Management Department

Faculty of Economics and Business

University of Riau

Henni Noviasari, Universitas Riau

Management Department

Faculty of Economics and Business

University of Riau

Sri Wahyuni Wildah, Universitas Riau

Management Department

Faculty of Economics and Business

University of Riau

Prima Andreas Siregar, Universitas Riau

Management Department

Faculty of Economics and Business

University of Riau


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How to Cite

Anggita, A. D., Noviasari, H., Wildah, S. W., & Siregar, P. A. (2023). The Impact of Hedonic Shopping Value and Shopping Lifestyle on Impulsive Buying Mediated by Positive Emotion among Online Marketplace Users in Pekanbaru. West Science Interdisciplinary Studies, 1(10), 977–989.