Use of Artificial Intelligence in Operational Efficiency and Business Management Strategic
Artificial Intelligence, Operational Efficiency, Strategic Business Management, Bibliometric Analysis, VOSviewerAbstract
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative technology, reshaping operational efficiencies and strategic business management across industries. This study employs a bibliometric analysis using VOSviewer to explore the intellectual structure, global collaboration, and thematic trends in AI research from 2000 to 2024. The findings reveal AI’s pivotal role in enhancing operational processes, particularly in cost reduction, efficiency improvement, and data-driven decision-making. Furthermore, AI’s integration into diverse fields such as healthcare, energy management, and cybersecurity underscores its multidisciplinary impact. The visualizations highlight the strong global collaboration among nations, with China, India, and the United States as major contributors to AI research. Despite these advancements, challenges such as ethical concerns, data privacy, and workforce displacement persist. This study emphasizes the need for ethical frameworks, workforce reskilling, and robust international cooperation to maximize AI's benefits while mitigating its challenges. By mapping current trends and identifying future directions, this research contributes to a deeper understanding of AI’s transformative potential in operational and strategic domains.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Loso Judijanto, Ahmad Zaelani Adnan, Gilang Pranajasakti, Arnes Yuli Vandika, Wahyuni Sri Astutik

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