Impact Analysis of Human Activities on Mangrove Conservation in Coastal Sulawesi


  • Evelin Anggelina Tanur Universitas Papua Manokwari
  • Hamzah Al Imran Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar
  • Rusdi Angrianto Universitas Papua Manokwari
  • Nunang Lamaek May Universitas Papua Manokwari
  • Arniana Anwar Universitas Papua Manokwari



Mangrove conservation, Coastal Sulawesi, Human activities, Stakeholder perspectives, Sustainable management


Mangrove ecosystems are invaluable coastal habitats that provide essential ecological services and support diverse flora and fauna. However, human activities have increasingly threatened the sustainability of these ecosystems, particularly in regions like Coastal Sulawesi, Indonesia. This qualitative analysis investigates the impact of human activities on mangrove conservation in Coastal Sulawesi, employing semi-structured interviews, participant observation, and document analysis. The study reveals that drivers such as aquaculture expansion, unsustainable logging, pollution, and coastal development are contributing to mangrove degradation. Stakeholder perspectives vary, with local communities emphasizing the importance of mangroves for livelihoods and culture, while government officials stress the need for balancing conservation with economic development. Existing conservation efforts include protected area designation, community-based management projects, and awareness-raising campaigns. Collaborative action involving government, NGOs, academia, and local communities is essential to promote sustainable mangrove conservation in Coastal Sulawesi.


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How to Cite

Tanur, E. A., Imran, H. A., Angrianto, R., May, N. L., & Anwar, A. (2024). Impact Analysis of Human Activities on Mangrove Conservation in Coastal Sulawesi. West Science Nature and Technology, 2(01), 1–8.